Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Buildings are found everywhere in Beijing. Though I can't affort to buy one apartment. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Film-Forrest Gump

"Forrest gump" is one of my favorite films. I have seen it for many times. His life style is simmple. Forrest doesn't think too much of what happened tommorow. He has a great mother, who will do everyting to make him like a normel person. And she did, even better.
Jenny is the most beautiful girl in Forrest's mind. He love her. But Jenny can't control her life at all.
I copy some Memorable Quotes here:

Forrest Gump: Why don't you love me, Jenny? I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is.
Forrest Gump: Momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.
Jenny Curran: Run Forrest! Run!
Young Jenny Curran: Dear God, make me a bird. So I could fly far. Far far away from here.
Mrs. Gump: You have to do the best with what God gave you.
[Forrest has finished assembling his rifle]
Drill Sergeant: GUUUUUUMP! Why did you put that weapon together so quickly, Gump? Forrest Gump: Because you told me to, Drill Sergeant?
Drill Sergeant: Outstanding, Gump! This is a new company record! If it weren't such a waste of a fine enlisted man I'd recommend you for OCS! You are gonna be a general someday, Gump!
[Repeated line]
Forrest Gump: Stupid is as stupid does.

For more click here.
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God's Message to Women

*Author Unknown*
When I created the heavens and the earth,
I spoke them into being.
When I created man,
I formed him and breathed life into his nostrils.
But you, woman,
I fashioned after I breathed the breath of life into man
because your nostrils are too delicate.
I allowed a deep sleep to come over him
so I could patiently and perfectly fashion you.
Man was put to sleep
so that he could not interfere with the creativity.
From one bone I fashioned you.
I chose the bone that protects man's life.
I chose the rib,
which protects his heart and lungs and supports him,
as you are meant to do.
Around this one bone I shaped you.
I modeled you.
I created you perfectly and beautifully.
Your characteristics are as the rib,
strong yet delicate and fragile.
You provide protection for the most delicate organ in man,
his heart.
His heart is the center of his being;
his lungs hold the breath of life.
The rib cage will allow itself to be broken
before it will allow damage to the heart.
Support man as the rib cage supports the body.
You were not taken from his feet,
to be under him,
nor were you taken from his head,
to be above him.
You were taken from his side,
to stand beside him and be held close to his side.
You are my perfect angel.
You are my beautiful little girl.
You have grown to be a splendid woman of excellence,
and my eyes fill when I see the virtue in your heart.
Your eyes --
don't change them.
Your lips --
how lovely when they part in prayer.
Your nose so perfect in form,
your hands so gentle to touch.
I've caressed your face in your deepest sleep;
I've held your heart close to mine.
Of all that lives and breathes,
you are the most like me.
Adam walked with me in the cool of the day
and yet he was lonely.
He could not see me or touch me.
He could only feel me.
So everything I wanted Adam to share and experience with me,
I fashioned in you:
my holiness, my strength,
my purity, my love,
my protection and support.
You are special because
you are the extension of me.
Man represents my image,
woman, my emotions.
Together, you represent the totality of God.
So man --treat woman well.
Love her, respect her,
for she is fragile.
In hurting her, you hurt me.
What you do to her, you do to me.
In crushing her,
you only damage your own heart,
the heart of your Father,
and the heart of her Father.
Woman, support man.
In humility,
show him the power of emotion
I have given you.
In gentle quietness,
show your strength.
In love,
show him that
you are the rib that protects his inner self.

Monday, November 28, 2005

About me

Hi I am quietning.
I started my blog in 2003 at motime, and changed to blogger at 2005 when I began to use picassa.
I love blogger for it's simple template and easy to update especially for easy way to update pics.
I like to record my lift here. So 20 years later, when I read it again, I will be happy.

Friday, November 25, 2005

New sky

I create this new blog for myself.

Monday, November 21, 2005

The autumn of Beijing

the autumn of Beijing

It's very windy.

Friday, November 18, 2005


(By Hugh B. Brown)
In the early dawn, a young gardener was pruning his trees and shrubs. He had one choice currant bush which had gone too much to wood. He feared therefore that it would produce little, if any, fruit.
Accordingly, he trimmed and pruned the bush and cut it back. In fact, when he had finished, there was little left but stumps and roots.
Tenderly he considered what was left. It looked so sad and deeply hurt. On every stump there seemed to be a tear where the pruning knife had cut away the growth of early spring. The poor bush seemed to speak to him, and he thought he heard it say:
"O, how could you be so cruel to me; you who claim to be my friend, who planted me and cared for me when I was young, and nurtured me and encouraged me to grow? Could you not see that I was rapidly responding to your care? I was nearly half as large as the trees across the fence, and might soon have become like one of them. But now you've cut my branches back; the green, attractive leaves are gone, and I am in disgrace among my fellows."
The young gardener looked at the weeping bush and heard it's plea with sympathetic understanding. His voice was full of kindness as he said, "Do not cry; what I have done to you was necessary that you might be a prize currant bush in my garden. You were not intended to give shade or shelter by your branches. My purpose when I planted you was that you should bear fruit. When I want currants, a tree, regardless of it's size, cannot supply the need."
"No, my little currant bush, if I had allowed you to continue to grow as you had started, all your strength would have gone to wood; your roots would not have gained a firm hold, and the purpose for which I brought you into my garden would have been defeated. Your place would have been taken by another, for you would have been barren. You must not weep; all this will be for your good; and some day, when you see more clearly, when you are richly laden with luscious fruit, you will thank me and say, `Surely, he was a wise and loving gardener. He knew the purpose of my being, and I thank him now for what I then thought was cruelty.'"
Some years later, this young gardener was in a foreign land, and he himself was growing. He was proud of his position and ambitious for the future.
One day an unexpected vacancy entitled him to promotion. The goal to which he had aspired was now almost within his grasp, and he was proud of the rapid growth which he was making.
But for some reason unknown to him, another was appointed in his stead, and he was asked to take another post relatively unimportant and which, under the circumstances, caused his friends to feel that he had failed.
The young man staggered to his tent and knelt beside his cot and wept. He now knew that he could never hope to have what he had thought so desirable. He cried to God and said, "Oh, how could you be so cruel to me? You who claim to be my friend - you who brought me here and nurtured and encouraged me to grow. Could you not see that I was almost equal to the other men whom I have so long admired? But now I have been cut down. I am in disgrace among my fellows. Oh, how could you do this to me?"
He was humiliated and chagrinned and a drop of bitterness was in his heart, when he seemed to hear an echo from the past. Where had he heard those words before? They seemed familiar. Memory whispered:
"I'm the gardener here."
He caught his breath. Ah, that was it - the currant bush! But why should that long-forgotten incident come to him in the midst of his hour of tragedy? And memory answered with words which he himself had spoken;
"Do not cry ... what I have done to you was necessary ... you were not intended for what you sought to be, ... if I had allowed you to continue ... you would have failed in the purpose for which I planted you and my plans for you would have been defeated. You must not weep; some day when you are richly laden with experience you will say, `He was a wise gardener.s He knew the purpose of my earth life, ... I thank him now for what I thought was cruel.'" Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 14, 2005



现在我可以肯定的回答:NO. 约不是那样的。
圣经分为旧约和新约,英文就是:THE OLD TESTAMENT AND THE NEW TESTAMENT。那么约的英文就是TESTAMENT,汉语的意思就是遗嘱。所以,不能轻易的立约,因为立约就是立遗嘱,将死的人才立遗嘱。立了约,就意味着从这一刻开始,我只为约而活。
(羔羊)我以永远的爱爱你,我以慈爱吸引你,聘你永远归我为妻,永以慈爱诚实待你。(新妇)哦我愿夺得主的心,用我注视的眼睛,我的心如禁闭的井,新陈佳果存留为你。(羔羊)我赐你肉心代替石心,把律法写在你心里,我用水将你洗洁净,你的罪恶我全忘记。(新妇)因你鞭伤我得医治,你受刑罚我得平安,你受咒诅我得祝福,因你流血我得生命。(合) 将我放在你的心上如印记,将我带在你手臂上如戳记,你的爱情坚贞,胜过死亡,众水不能熄灭,不能淹没。 Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 13, 2005

A New Leaf

He came to my desk with a quivering lip
The lesson was done.
"Dear Teacher, may I have a new leaf?" he said,
"I've spoiled this one."
I took the old leaf, stained and blotted,
And gave him a new one, all unspotted.
And into his troubled eyes I smiled,
"Do better now my child."
I went to the throne with a quivering soul,
The old year was done.
"Dear Master, may I have a new year?" I said,
"I have spoiled this one."
He took the old year, stained and blotted,
And gave me a new one all unspotted,
And into my troubled soul He smiled,
"Do better now, my child."

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Friday, November 11, 2005

the moon.