Question: "What does the Bible say about miscarriage?"
Probably the most common question people ask after a miscarriage is
“Why did this happen?” or “Why did God do this to me?” There are no
easy answers to these questions. Indeed, there is no satisfying
conclusion that we will ever come to as to why bad things happen to
people, especially innocent children who haven't even begun to live. We
must understand that God does not take away our loved ones from us as
some sort of cruel punishment. The Bible tells us that there is “no
condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).
Miscarriages are usually caused by abnormal chromosome patterns in the
fetus. When these abnormalities are detected, the growth is halted and
miscarriage is the result. In other instances, miscarriages are caused
by uterine malformations, hormonal abnormalities, problems with the
immune system, chronic infections, and illnesses. After thousands of
years of sin, death and personal destruction, it should not surprise us
that genetic disorders would eventually become commonplace.
The Bible does not comment specifically about spontaneous miscarriages.
We can be sure, though, that God has compassion on those who have
suffered through them. He cries and suffers with us, simply because He
loves us and feels our pain. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, promised to
send His Spirit to all believers so that we will never have to go
through trials alone (John 14:16). Jesus said in Matthew 28:20, “And be
sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Any believer who has suffered a miscarriage should have faith in the
glorious hope of one day seeing their child again. An unborn child is
not only a fetus or a “piece of tissue” to God, but is one of His
children. Jeremiah 1:5 says that God knows us while we are still in the
womb. Lamentations 3:33 tells us that God “does not enjoy hurting
people or causing them sorrow.” Jesus promised to leave us with a gift
of peace unlike any kind that the world can give (John 14:27).
Romans 11:36 reminds us that everything exists by God's power and is
intended for His glory. Although He does not inflict suffering on us
for punishment, He will allow things to come into our lives that we can
use to bring glory to Him. Jesus said, “I have told you all this so
that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials
and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world” (John
罗马书11章36节 提醒我们说,万物依靠耶和华的能力存在,目的是为了神的荣耀。虽然他并不因着惩罚要向我们施加苦难,他会允许一些事情发生在我们生命中,因此我们可以借之来荣耀主名。耶稣说,”我将这些事告诉你们、是要叫你们在我里面有平安。在世上你们有苦难.但你们可以放心、我已经胜了世界“(约翰福音16:33)。
1 comment:
在这科技的时代,想找一家特别信任且成功的代孕是不简单的一件事。 看看内地的灰色地带,无法律的且价格无理的都是让很多人不敢尝试的因素。但和大家分享,在海外代孕是最值得的选择为什么呢。 在这里我们能提供一般家庭能承受的价格,我们提供了好几种套餐经济全包 标准全包,VIP全包,这些全包都包含了住宿,交通,的费用。,也不需缴上任何钱了。而且在在乌克兰的法律规定下,代孕出生的孩子依照协议在任何情况下是完全归属于委托客户的,所以不用担心。而且优势也包含了成功代孕,跟据自身情况我们会提供2-3次自卵机会直到成功为止。这就是乌克兰彼奥泰珂斯我们给予的帮助。真心推荐亲门这家哦,友善和好的医疗人员们超加份。
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